Cautious Coffee

Voice and Victory: Navigating Life and Self-Discovery

Episode Summary

On the latest episode of Cautious Coffee, DeRae and Austin discuss the importance of finding and articulating one’s voice. Simply put: Your life depends on articulating your abilities.

Episode Notes

On the latest episode of Cautious Coffee, DeRae and Austin discuss the importance of finding and articulating one’s voice. They emphasize how the quality of one's life and achievements is largely dependent on their ability to recognize and communicate their skills and experiences. DeRae shares insights from his military background and the transition to civilian life, highlighting the challenges veterans often face in translating their military skills to civilian job markets.

The duo then breakdown the importance of networking and taking ownership of one's career path. They suggest that exploring interests, whether through hobbies or career pivots, is essential for growth. 

A significant part of this episode focuses on the value of diverse reading and staying informed about world events. DeRae and Austin encourage listening to various news sources to form a well-rounded understanding of global issues, particularly highlighting the Israel-Palestine conflict as an example.

The show closes by touching upon the concept of extreme ownership and the importance of making informed decisions without relying on others or external circumstances to dictate one's choices.